
Tuesday 6 December 2016


Here' the repair guide solution to fix Nokia X2 IHF earpiece speaker failure. Just make sure that theearpiece speaker is good and 100% working before proceeding on this cell phone repair tutorial guides below.
So check the IHF( integrated hands free) speaker first before continuing.

If you done so, here's the picture repair guide on X2 earpiece speaker problem solution.
There are two IHF speaker is being connected to X2, the left and the right speaker channel.
I have in-lined the audio signal ways or lines paths and highlighted each connecting components for easy troubleshooting  procedure.
Just refer to the picture guide to find which part are faulty. If the left channel speaker is only got the problem then concentrate to the left channel only, then if the right channel got the problem concentrate to it as well also.
If both are faulty., then check both line paths and components.
I also included in this guide the IHF Audio Amplifier chips ball bumps (terminals) pattern  for a much deeper understanding how the said IC works. The Audio amplifier IC on  X2's circuit  were both same.
Remember this mobile phone repair repair tutorial is absolutely 100%  free..

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